Know Your Purpose and Unlock Your Potential!
Oct 12, 2021I desire for you to know your purpose so that you will unlock your potential. None of us has time for mediocrity.
The Launching Pad
The heart of this blog post is to encourage you. I want to help you climb up the ladder to the launching pad of life because to get on the rocketship, you. have to start on the pad.
I want to remind you, to be the voice in your ear, saying, "You have gifts, abilities, purpose, and passion!" This is the rocket fuel that will help you experience the orbit around your dreams, goals, and ambitions. I suspect that if you are reading this post then you want to be the best possible you.
You want to launch! 🚀
Your Launch Codes
How will you know who that person is (the best possible you) and what he is capable of unless you know your life purpose? Knowing your life purpose is like having the launch codes that will get you going on your flight to your purpose.
Now, What Do I Do to Unlock My Potential?
Discovering and aligning with your calling means you identify and build on your talents.
So, I encourage you to answer these questions:
➤ What is your passion?
➤ What do you love doing?
Chances are you’re already good at it.
Why not focus on your natural gifts and turn them into your greatest strengths?
These natural gifts must be a part of the equation to know your purpose and unlock your potential!
Tune in a few days from now for the next post in the series, "Help You Know Your Purpose" where I will share how you can create opportunities that are right there in front of you.
Something to Consider...
Consider purchasing my new audiobook, “Your Purpose: How to Know it. Live it. Love it.” I wrote and recorded it for busy and aspiring professionals that are ready to reach their purpose in their career, finances, and in life.
I am fired up 🔥 to announce that for the first time ever, I am releasing my book, "Your Purpose: How to Know It. Live it. Love it!" as an audiobook!
Available now for $7. Purchase the Audiobook!
The short, yet powerful audiobook is read by me because I want you to hear the message straight from my mouth. The book is an authentic, transparent, encouraging, and practical tool that will help you move in a purposeful direction for your career, finances, and life!
I hope you get it for your phone, tablet, or computer and join me in the purpose journey!
Stay Living On-Purpose!
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