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LinkedIn Hot Tip - How to Be a Go-Giver

How to Be A Go-Giver on Linkedin using this Simple Success Principle!

career linkedin Aug 05, 2022

We have all had the unfortunate experience of interacting with someone on LinkedIn looking to connect but only for a sale.

Now, I am not knocking believing in your product or service, but goodness gracious, don't go for the jugular on the first interaction.

So, here's a 2-min hot tip and concept from the book, The Go-Giver, to help you set yourself apart from slimy sales messaging on the world's largest professional network, LinkedIn!

Purchase the book, The Go-Giver, on Amazon at

#linkedintrainer #linkedintips #brianhorvath #gogiver

I would love to connect with you on LinkedIn. You can find me at

Also, be sure to check out my weekly LinkedIn Live Q & A events happening each Wednesday at Noon ET/ 9 AM PST. Currently, I am in a Go-Giver series where we break down each success principle and unpack it so you can use it with your LinkedIn interactions.

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