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How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs About Your Purpose

purpose Jan 31, 2022

One of the biggest opportunities we have for getting after our purpose is our mindset.

Our mindset is affected by internal beliefs we have about ourselves or situations that we can control. External beliefs are towards events or others that we cannot control.

Ask yourself… are these internal and external beliefs propelling me or holding me back from knowing, living, and loving my purpose?

Let’s dive in with a few examples:

Positive Internal

  • I believe that I am intelligent
  • I believe that I am patient
  • I believe that I am God’s masterpiece

Positive External

  • I believe that people are good, overall.
  • I believe that my spouse cares for me
  • I believe that my boss wants the best for me and my career.

Negative Internal

  • I am not as smart as the others in my company
  • I am just impatient and people have to deal with it
  • I am not worthy of love from God or others

Negative External

  • I believe that people are evil and out to get me.
  • I believe that my spouse is out for himself/herself.
  • I believe that my boss wants me fired ASAP.

As you can see, it doesn’t take many sentence alterations to flip switch the switch from positive to negative. 

Yet, why does it seem to take a supreme effort to switch from negative to positive? (I wish I knew…it just does!)

Here’s an easy-to-use tool (when you make the effort) to help you crush your limiting beliefs and live a life of freedom and truth about yourself, others, your environment, and your purpose in all of it!

It is a tool I learned about from my counselor that I have been served by for years, Kathy Cunningham. (shout out and thank you!) I have taken the internal and external limiting beliefs (the lies) and crushed them with the truth by rewriting them from negative into positive statements

Then I re-read them many times a week (goal is daily) to refresh, renew, and reinvigorate my mind on a solid belief system that helps me to know, live, and love my purpose!

So, again, I ask you…Are your internal and external beliefs fueling you towards or holding you back from your purpose?

Bigger Question: Are you willing to do something about it?

Click here to download the template.

Stay Living On-Purpose!

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