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How to Clear Your Mind With Journaling

journaling purpose self-leadership Sep 17, 2021

Maybe you’ve done this before: You lie awake all night because you have so many thoughts going through your head. Between ideas, goals, To-Do lists, and conversations that took place during the day which you can’t seem to stop replaying over and over in your mind, it’s no wonder you can’t sleep. It's time to discover how to clear your mind with journaling.

How are you ever going to get any rest? If this happens to you, journaling might be the solution you’re looking for.

Here's how to clear your mind with journaling.

Write down your thoughts so that you can give them somewhere else to go. Paper captures them and often organizes them. You’re able to see to the heart of the situation and gain the clarity you sorely need. Doing this before bedtime is particularly helpful as you’ll find yourself feeling much more at peace

⬇️ ⬇️ Use the writing prompt below to use journaling and clear your mind! ⬇️ ⬇️

Your Turn to Write: Write about an idea you’ve had rattling around in your head in as much detail as you can. What makes this idea exciting to you?

Do you find yourself procrastinating on this idea of journaling? I have, for sure, and it's why I created my email series, "Procrastination to Productive!" I invite you to get this series for free by clicking here.

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