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how rich am i?

How Rich Am I? - An Illustration and Resource for Us All!

finance Jun 06, 2022

Recently, I was going through some old folders on my laptop. I found a training document that my friend and successful former CEO shared with me over a lunch. He would use this illustration and information in his trainings to help participants, especially in the USA, to remember how truly blessed we are.

I hope you find this impactful and helpful when you come across the days where we lack contentment. Lord knows I need the help! 

How Rich Am I? An Illustration

(Note: These following numbers are after-tax and based on two adults and 2 children per household.)

  • If you make $20,800 per year ($10.00 per hour):

    You are in the richest 25.9% of the world's population. Your income is more than 2.7 times the global average.

  • If you make $31,200 per year ($15.00 per hour):

    You are in the richest 18.2% of the world’s population. Your income is more than 4.1 times the global average.                                  

  • If you make $45,000 per year:

    You are in the richest 12.1% of the world’s population. Your income is more than 5.9 times the global average.

  • If you make $55,000 per year:

    You are in the richest 9.2% of the world’s population. Your income is more than 7.2 times the global average.

  • If you make $100,000 per year:

    You are in the richest 3.1% of the world’s population. Your income is more than 13.1 times the global average.

You can run your own numbers here ->

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