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Brian Horvath Weekly Newsletter #002

calling career finance healthcare interviewing newsletter purpose Oct 16, 2021

In this week's On-Purpose Newsletter, I am excited to share with you about how to discuss failure in an interview, navigate the upcoming healthcare open enrollment period, and a how to access the new purpose audiobook I wrote and recorded to help you know, live, and love the purpose for your career, finances, and life!

Your Career

There is a lot of movin' and shakin' going on in the world of work today. Many careers are moving from traditional spaces to remote to a blend of both (hybrid). One thing that has not changed is that work requires solid and effective communication skills.

Recently, I was a guest on a podcast that helps people communicate with excellence so that they move from introductions to the offer letter! That is why the podcast is called, "The Offer Letter." Michael Manzano and I chat about how you can answer the question, "Can you tell me about a time when you have failed?"

I think you will like the 4-step framework I provide to help you turn what can seem like a negative question into a positive gain for your moving to the offer letter during a job search interview process. You can listen to this less-than-ten minute podcast here.

Your Career

Health insurance open enrollment for 2022 begins on November 1st and has an extended closed date this year on January 15th. 

I had a special interview this week with my friend and independent 30-year health insurance veteran, Peter Motzenbecker, regarding open enrollment. We discussed some ins-and-outs of healthcare insurance as well as steps to take to make sure you have the right coverage for you and your family.

You can check out the 30-minute interview with Peter here!

Your Purpose

My life journey has been quite the ride and has had a lots of ups, downs, and all-arounds. 🎢 Yours may have too!

From attempting to take my own life to working in a one of America's fastest growning churches, to launching a business helping professional men and women, it's not something I would have ever mapped out.

For so long, I chased what I thought should be my purpose to finally, today, actually knowing, living, and loving it.

Maybe you're there right now, where I used to be, asking a lot of questions about what's next and how to get there.

I address all that and more in my newly released audiobook, Your Purpose: How to Know it, Live it, Love it!

You can get it HERE for only $7.

I am cheering for you!!!

Until next week,


P.S. Please let me know how I can serve you in your career and finances as well as provide any feedback you have on this newsletter at [email protected].

Stay Living On-Purpose!

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